Week 3 Evaluation of Carousel Media


Document what you did in the session on Tuesday and Wednesday (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC) The 
Our extract divided into speaking sections


List under the following headings:
  • Research that you carry out in these sessions

Week 3 Evaluation of Carousel Media 

Skills that you have tried, - organising the production of the advert, editing our recording on adobe audition 
Any processes  we used the recording studio, make and edit a audio piece.
    and methods you used. -  we put in sound effects and backing music
      Any tools that you used - the tools we used were a audio tripod, a recorder, the video studio with lighting, cameras, sounding booms and the set.

      On Tuesday 27th September we recorded an extract from The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss. First we split the extract up into four sections between our group of four. We then used the voice recorder to record it. It took several attempt to record the perfect recording. We then imported the recording into an editing tool called Adobe Audition where we could remove things like long pauses and add background music. I think we worked well as a team and split the extract up, so we each had a part. I think we could have spent less time perfecting speaking part as we later found out that we could have changed a not perfect recording through the editing. 

      On Wednesday 28th September as a group we were given a brief to record an advert for a BIC, four coloured pen. 
      We took time planning in our individual groups of four or five how we could portray the pen in the best way. We then gathered as a group again to vote on which idea is best to make into the campaign. 
      We had to set up the filming studio into a classroom scene. Then we had to put coloured film over the lights to project the different colours of the pen onto each of the actors. 
      We each had a role during the filming of the advert there were floor managers, lighting technicians, cameraman, sound boom holder, the floor actors, a director, and a camera centralist for the filming.
      Jada - floor manager, Alex, Yashper, Stephane, Ian - camera man, Heather - manager, I was on the sound boom, Yasmine, Henry, Megan and Josh - actors, Jade - recording camera controller, Cydnie, Chloe - background music and Chloe made the autocue. 

      It took us a lot of time to decide on who would do which job in the studio and the gallery, this put us behind schedule when we started filming the advert. It took us as a group a lot of time to shoot the advert. I think this was because we didn't work well as a team and there was a communication failure between the studio and the gallery. If we were filming a real campaign running behind schedule would cause problems as time is money and the studio would have been booked for specific time and prices.
      Overall I think the advert was good and couldn't have been improved visually. Although, maybe the actors could have spoken about the BIC pen and used persuasion to say all the good things about the pen. However, our timing should have been observed better as it would have caused problems if it was a real advert.


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