Week 2 Evaluation of Carousel Photography

Week 2 Evaluation of Carousel Photography

The processes I have used this week are:

  • importing images onto photoshop
  • taking photos
  • the wet process in the darkroom 
  • using the blog such as uploading images and text.
  • developing images through the darkroom.
  • invention of images.
  • pinhole cameras
The materials I have used this week are:

  • computers
  • darkroom chemicals
  • pinhole box
  • darkroom paper
  • enlarger
  • convertor machine
  • the paper dryer
  • memory cards
The technical skills that I have used this weeks are:

  • using aperture to change the depth of field. 
  • using the shutter speed to capture motion. I think I need more practise at this as we had no access to tripods which are needed.
  • using a pinhole camera to capture images. I needed more practise as my first attempt failed, so I later went out to reshoot. 
  • using and changing camera settings.


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